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Nicoplv Games
Based in France
Release date:
31 Janvier, 2014
Xbox One
Steam (Windows/Mac/Linux)
Windows Phone
Regular Price:
USD | $1.0 - $1.99 |
EUR | €0.89 - €1.99 |
At first sight, Cubot is a puzzle-game with a minimalist gameplay, just move color cubes towards tiles of the same color. It's really easy, but it will be a torture for your mind to complete all levels of the game because the apparent simplicity of the game is in contradiction with the complexity of the puzzles. Moreover, an important point in the gameplay is if you have multiple cubes, they move simultaneously!
The development of Cubot started at the end of October 2013 and a few months later the game was completed. The puzzle game release is expected at the end of January 2014 for the mobile version. In 2015, Cubot comming on Steam and on Xbox One at the beginning of January 2016.
- Easy gameplay, use one finger to move the cube where you want...that's it!
- Simplistic but not repetitive, use different elements to achieve your goal: buttons, elevators, color swappers, teleporters...
- The game and menus have a clean look to not disturb your concentration. In the same vein, the music is very soothing.
- There are 80 levels in the game for several hours of playtime to keep you challenged.
- The challenge increases level by level. If you are stumped, help is available!
Cubot Trailer YouTube
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Selected Articles
- "
Cubot takes the concept of “in order to create something simple, you must understand it with an immense complexity,” and progresses it a bit further.
- Kurt Indovina, Indie Game Mag - "
For fans of shape-based slide puzzles, such as the Rubick's Cube and Tetris will enjoy Cubot.
- Wil Wright, The Unofficial Apple Weblog - "
It isn’t the first game to employ this type of gameplay, but the sharp graphics somewhat set it apart.
- Tre Lawrence, Android Rundown - "
Gameplay, again, is easy to learn and hard to master. It also is not repetitive which is usually an issue with puzzle games of this caliber.
- Robert Clark, Android Schock - "
Entièrement réalisé en 3D, Cubot propose une esthétique simple, très rapidement compréhensible. Les idées de gameplay fusent rapidement avec des boutons activant des passages, des ascenseurs et autres téléporteurs.
- Skywilly, Game Side Story - "
Cubot sicherlich zu den besseren 3D-Puzzle-Games, die ich bisher unter die Lupe genommen habe
- Mel, App Gefahren
About Nicoplv Games
Nicoplv Games is a French independent game studio founded by Nicolas Pierre-Loti-Viaud in 2012.
More information
More information on Nicoplv Games, our logo & relevant media are available here.
Nicolas Pierre-Loti-Viaud
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks